Disclosure of Interest Policy

Vibrationdata's faculty and third-party contracters shall adhere to the following Disclosure of Interest Policy. 


Purpose. The purpose is to identify and manage any potential conflicts of interest that may arise among individuals involved in the planning, development, delivery, or evaluation of our education courses.

Scope. This policy applies to all individuals in the planning, development, delivery, and evaluation of educational programs offered by Vibrationdata. Covered interests included financial interests, relationships, affiliations, or other factors that could reasonably be perceived as a conflict of interest. 

Responsibilities. The implementation and oversight of this policy fall under the responsibility of the President. The President will collaborate with the Education Program Manager to ensure compliance with ethical standards and regulations. 

At the beginning of every learning event, the instructor shall disclose to the learners all personal or financial interests that the instructor has in any product, instrument, device, or materials that may be used during the learning events.

If the President of Vibrationdata determines that the personal or financial interests of the instructor represent an unacceptable conflict of interest with the instructor's duties, the President may require appropriate actions by the instructor regarding the personal and financial interests.

Consequences of Non-Compliance. As a condition of continued employment in the service, an instructor must comply with this policy. Instructors found to be in non-compliance with the Disclosure of Interest Policy will receive a written notification outlining the specific nature of the non-compliance. The instructor will be required to develop and implement a corrective action plan in consultation with the President. In cases of repeated non-compliance or failure to address the issue though the corrective action plan may result in disciplinary measures, such a suspension, or other appropriate disciplinary measures.